Bourbon Chicken

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There are just days where all you want is take out. Something about food from a sac can be comforting, filling, easy. Well what you may not know is that when food comes in a sac it comes with TONS of salt, msg’s, and excess calories that-lets face it- we don't need! The other night, when I was literally just DYING for some Chinese take out, I leaned into my fridge to see what I had. Luckily I had left over chicken and I got very very excited! Now, let me clarify, I say “luckily” because I knew I didn't have any chicken breasts in my freezer and I was craving bourbon chicken lol.

Ok, so to the stove I went with my chicken, I simply warmed it up in a pan. When it was done warming I put it aside and started making the sauce for the chicken. In the mean time I had pulled out my rice cooker and was starting some jasmine rice. <— Im kinda obsessed with jasmine rice right now. 

If you don't have left over chicken in your fridge, lol, here is what you're going to need

2 lb boneless chicken breast, cut into bite sizes
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic glove crushed
1/4 tsp ginger
3/4 tsp crush red pepper flakes
1/4 cup apple juice
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp cider vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup soy sauce

** Full Disclosure, I didn’t have any cider vinegar in the house and little man was half asleep, so I left it out of my recipe and it tasted delicious just the same **

Now that you’ve got your ingredients, lets cook!

1. Heat oil in a large skilled 
2. Add chicken and goo until lightly browned
3. Remove Chicken and set to the side
4. Add the remaining ingredients to the pan over medium heat-mix well until ingredients are    
    dissolved (or super super close) 
5. Add chicken back into the pan and bring ingredients to a boil 

6. Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes
7. Serve with your hot rice 

That’s it guys! Yummy, at home, healthier, Chinese food. It only took me 20ish minutes to make, but I didn't have to cook the chicken. So plan for, at MOST, 30 minutes to make this meal.

This is not one of the healthiest meals I've ever shared but “healthier” than from a sac Chinese take out. Because soy sauce is in the recipe the salt for the recipe is higher. When you order take out Chinese you run the risk of getting a serving size of something with around 3500-4500mg of sodium. This dish has 1573- which is STILL HIGH! So be very careful if you are someone who needs to watch their salt intake for medical reasons. This may not be the dish for you. I personally, make it a point to not cook with salts and if I do its extremely sparingly. So for me this dish was perfect because it filled a need!

If you're curious about the nutrition break down here it is folks:

Serving size: 1
Calories per serving: 521
Serves: 4
Total Fat: 24.5g
Saturated Fat: 6.5g
Cholesterol: 145.3 mg
Sodium: 1573 mg
Total Carbohydrate: 23.4 g
Dietary Fiber: 0.3g
Sugars: 21.5g
Protein: 50.1g

I hope you all enjoy!!!

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