Cilantro Chicken with Peanuts

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Hey guys, me again ;-) I’m coming at you today with a quick and healthy dinner meal for you!

Tell me, how did you like the lunch wrap last week? Quick, easy, and delicious right! Leave a comment below if you are liking these meals :-D let me know if there is something specifically you’d like to see!

Ok, so onto what I've got for you today!

Cilantro chicken with peanuts 
This should take you 30 minutes or less to put together :-D and this recipe is great for dinner because it serves 4! Per serving this dish will cost you $1.71, THATS IT!!

What you need:
2 tsp peanut oil
1 lb skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into 1 inch pieces
1/4 cup honey roasted peanuts
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. minced fresh ginger- you could use ground ginger if you wanted to
1/4 cup sliced green onion
1 Tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce
2 tsp. rice vinegar
1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
1 cup fresh cilantro leaves
4 cups finely shredded nappa cabbage
Lime wedges if you want

Time to make your meal:
1. In 10 inch skillet heat peanut oil over medium heat Add in the chicken and cook about 2 minutes.
2. Add peanuts, garlic, and ginger. Coo and stir 3 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink
3. Add the next 4 ingredients (through the sesame oil). Cook and stir for 2 more minutes.
4. Remove from heat and stir in cilantro
5. Serve chicken goodness over cabbage. If you want some additional pizzaz sprinkle additional cilantro and lime wedges over the dish

Time to eat!!

Here is the breakdown for you curious individuals :-D

3/4 cup chicken + 1 cup cabbage = 1 serving
1 serving = 237 calories
Fat = 10 g
Cholesterol = 83 mg
Sodium = 225 mg
Carbohydrates = 7 g
Protein = 29 mg

There ya have it! This meal could be a great dinner or even lunch recipe. Fresh, easy to put together, and SUPER delicious :-D

Don’t forget to comment below what you think of these recipes. I’d love your feedback and i’d love to know what more specifically you’d like to see for a recipe!

You CAN do this!!!



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