Cider-Glazed Sweet Potato & Apple Bake

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The holidays are just around the corner and this makes for a delicious and HEALTHY side dish option for those of you in charge of side dishes this holiday season.  

This is a Cider-Glazed Sweet Potato & Apple Bake.  It packs all the deliciousness of a traditional side dish with half the calories and guilt.  


• 2 large sweet potatoes (1 3/4 - 2 lbs), peeled and sliced thinly, about 1/8" - 1/4" thick
• 2 large or 3 medium granny smith apples, cored, peeled and sliced to 1/4"thick (you want the apples to be slightly thicker than the potatoes because they'll cook faster)
• 1 cup fresh apple cider or Simply Apple juice


• 2 Tbs butter
• 2 Tbs whole wheat pastry flour or regular whole wheat flour
• 3 Tbs maple syrup
• 1/16 tsp salt


1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray an 8X8 baking dish with olive oil or coconut oil cooking spray.
2. Before you start layering your sweet potatoes and apples in your dish, make a layer in the bottom of your dish with your largest pieces of sweet potato (the ones that look the nicest) now take them out and set them aside, they will be your top layer.
3. Layer Sweet Potatoes and Apples so that you have 4 layers of potatoes and 3 layers of apples, ending with the nicest sweet potatoes as your top layer. The layers might be slightly higher than your dish, thats ok they cook down.
4. Set Dish aside and make glaze
5. In a small sauce pot, melt the butter. Once melted, whisk in the flour, letting the flour cook for a minute or two. Whisk in the cider, salt and maple syrup, continue cooking until thickened. Turn off heat. Carefully spoon all of the sauce over the potatoes and into the crevices between. Cover tightly with a piece of foil sprayed with cooking spray and bake in the oven for 1 hour.
6. Raise the oven temp to 450 degrees. Once oven has heated to that temperature, remove the foil from your pan and baste with the sauce in the pan. Bake an additional 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender and nicely browned, basting one or two more times during cooking.
7. Remove from oven, cut into 9 squares and serve.

21 Day Fix Break Down

1 Yellow
1/2 purple
1 Tsp1Tsp Maple Syrup

I'd love to know what you think of this dish, leave me a comment below :-D   Happy Holidays!


Healthy Homemade Coffee Creamer

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MMM coffee, who doesn't love coffee right! Well Mr. Man and I have decided to clean up our lifestyles and our budget so of course my beloved coffee creamer had to go. Let’s face it, theres nothing natural about store bought coffee. Preservatives, excessive sugars (which do nothing for our waste lines), other chemicals that I wont even get into in this post.

Well yesterday I asked if you wanted my yummy and healthy coffee creamer and today I’ve got it for you! I mix mine up in one of my shakeology cups an store it in the fridge, it lasts up to 2 weeks (although mines usually gone before then)

If you don't want to make enough to store in the fridge you can make enough for each cup. I’ll start with the per cup recipe :-)

First: Choose Your Milk
1. Coconut Milk
2. Almond Milk

Second: Choose Your Sweetner
1. Stevia
2. Raw Honey
3. Maple Syrup

Third: Choose Flavoring
1. Pure Vanilla Extract
2. Pumpkin Pie Spice
3. Cinnamon
4. Cocoa
5. Any flavoring you’d like

Now it’s time to add to your coffee cup (8 oz of coffee)

2-4Tbs of milk
1-2 Tbs of sweetner
Flavorings to taste


If you are like me, you may not have time every morning to circle the kitchen for your ingredients, measure everything out, and still keep your sanity. That’s why below there is a store and go recipe :-D

To make and store 

1.5 cups Almond/coconut milk
2 tbs honey
3 tsp vanilla extract (or any flavor of your choice) <— I’m a vanilla aholic lol
Mix all together in blender or shaker cup and store in air tight container for up to 2 weeks

There ya have it! Healthy coffee creamer for the coffee lover in you who really wants to save money and their waist line ;-)

Don’t forget, as we approach the holiday we tend to make LOTS of food. If you want to keep the foods a little on the healthier side check out my recipes page for healthier alternative to your favorite items!!



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