Some Of My Favorites!

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My Million dollar group started and it’s off to a BANG! Im so excited for these ladies and gents. Not only have they dedicated to themselves to get healthy over the next 30 days but they are going win a piece of the 2 million dollar prize pot :-O

Part of the group is focusing on nutrition. Learning to eat better and in proper portions to achieve goals. While the discussion of meal prepping came up so did the question of what kind of meal prep containers to use. I have to say I have 2 FAVORITES and I figured I should totally share them with you all and not just in the super secret group ;-)

vvv  First I love the 3 compartment containers vvv

I have a bunch of these in my cabinets and I know you’ve seen them on my Facebook posts :-) (Click the picture to check them out for yourself)

vvv Second, these are awesome vvv

I use to have a bunch of these.  These were perfect when I was working down in the city because they came with silverware.  They somehow gotten lost in multiple moves but still among my favorites list.  

Meal prepping saves so much time during the week and it assures that you stay on track with your nutrition. I know that it takes a few hours one day but think about how much time it will save you the rest of the week. SO much time can be saved making and pack lunches and in the evenings, after a long day at work how much easier it is to just grab something already prepared from the fridge and go! Something to think about if you havent already chosen to meal prep ;-)

Another thing that we've talked about in our group are coffee sweeteners. Store bought creamers are full of preservatives and artificial sweeteners so of course XXXXX they are OUT! a couple weeks ago I shared a homemade creamer recipe (Click >> Coffee Creamer << to check it out)

But one of my other favorites is  vvv  Sweet Leaf Drops vvv

Well now you are in the inner circle ;-) Knowledge should be shared so I wanted to pass along my personal favorite things with links so you can check them out and maybe snag some for yourself!  

Until next time 


P.S. Don’t forget to find me on FB so we can be friends —>

P.P.S. If you missed the chance to get in on the million dollar group but you're ready to get started I have something super dooper FREE for you.  Free meal plans, FREE workouts, FREE support, and a chance to start seeing a healthier and happier you -->

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