Success Stories

In 2008, I could no longer live with the pain and suffering of pinched nerves, bulging disks and calcifications and went under the knife to fuse several disks in my back. While surgery resolved those initial problems, I continued to be plagued by spikes of pain and constant aches.

After rounds of physical therapy, massage, and acupuncture failed to eliminate the pain, I connected with personal trainer, Lauren Evans. Her focus for my personalized program were routines targeted at strengthening my core muscles and stretching my supporting muscle structure. She was determined that in six weeks, the pain would be significantly reduced.

That first day, I was convinced there was no way I would make it six weeks and didn't understand how creating painful muscles groups elsewhere would fix anything! Did I mention Lauren was determined??

Over that six week program, she pushed and prodded, challenged and cheered me through each routine. I found that routines got easier and easier and every day I could do a little more...and that's when she'd say, "Okay, you are doing great but today, we're going to try a new stretch, another repetition or take it up a notch!" And then she'd follow it up with, "You can do it!"

Lauren was right that I could do it, and I did! Stronger core muscles and healthy, limber supporting muscles means my spine isn't trying to do it all alone - so it's not complaining via those spikes in pain and constant aches.

I did it but, I couldn't have without Lauren Evans standing at my side and pushing for "just one more". If you want to succeed with your goals for a healthier you, then Team Evans is the one for you!

I started working with Lauren in one of her challenge groups for the winter holiday season of 2013. I wanted to not only drop some weight, I wanted to prevent gaining any weight due to holiday excess. What I liked best about Lauren`s program set up was that it was completely private. I didn't have to leave my house to get fit. I hated the thought of looking like an idiot in front of long-time gym goers who know what all the equipment in the gym is called and how they work. I also liked that I could use things around my house to workout with since I have no home gym. Besides the privacy factor, I really feel it's important to emphasize the technical & emotional support I received from Lauren. She has the know-how. All you need to do is ask. Lauren is highly experienced, well-prepared, and highly motivated. I had the drive to make changes, but not the slightest clue where to begin and what to do after I started. She explained every step, and provided references and links to give you a well-rounded explanation so that I understood not only the "how" but the "why" as well. I like that Lauren helped keep not only me, but the other folks in the challenge group, focused and accountable without any negative vibes. It doesn't hurt that Lauren`s positivity tends to rub off on you, either. One last thing I would like to mention is that it doesn't matter what your socioeconomic standing is, Lauren can help you. I really couldn't ask for more in a trainer.


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