You’ve GOT to be kidding me!!!

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That’s literally what my current customers have said to me when I told them what I'm about to tell you.

Let me start off by saying that the New Year is right around the corner, like 2 days away :-O, and I get it- it's hard to imagine that it's almost 2018 and the holidays have just finished, CRAZY I know! BUT you know that on December 26th you said “WOW, I can’t believe I ate all that food” and “Im so ready to start losing this Holiday Weight”. THATS WHERE I COME IN :)

I want to help you with not only your health and fitness goals, but I want you to WIN FREE MONEY in the process! YUP, you heard me correctly, FREE MONEY! I am hosting an AWESOME New Year NEW YOU challenge group starting in January 5th and I would love for you to be a part of it.

The group will be 28 days long, we will focus on fitness, clean eating, tracking our progress, and daily encouragement to help keep you motivated! At the end of those 28 days Beachbody will be checking off their list (just like St. Nick did) and ALL who participated in the group will get FREE money JUST for working out and drinking their shakeology.

Disclaimer: You DO have to purchase something in order to get into the group so I wanted to get that out of the way right away. As the group is based on your nutrition and workouts you will need to have workouts and be drinking and logging your shakeology ;-) BUUUUUTTTTT there are HUGE Holiday sales right now. Challenge packs are MAJORLY discounted. You can literally save (at minimum) $50 on a challenge pack


1. This is another Health Bet Challenge so we will be using the Challenge Tracker App.

2. The Money Pot for this is $2-3 MILLION dollars :O (saayyyy whhhaaattt?). All you have to do is track 3 workouts per week and take a pic of you drinking your shake 5 days per week in the challenge tracker app and BOOM you will qualify for a piece of the pot.

So what do you think??? Are you as CRAZY excited about this group as I am?? Are you in??? >>> CLICK HERE  <<< and you will see ALL the challenge packs on the LEFT hand side :)

If you are unsure what pack to choose just email me at and let me know your goals so I can help you!

One of my main goals for 2017 is to help as many people as I possible can GET RESULTS either with their health and fitness or in their business!

I hope I can help you <3 If you are READY to reach those New Years Resolutions and GET PAID click -> JOIN THE FUN  so that I can send you an invite to the all exclusive group!



P.S. Do NOT miss out on your chance to win FREE money just for getting healthy like you keep saying you want to do!!

P.P.S. If you're not ready to commit just yet but you want to start somewhere I have JUST the place for you and get this… its 100 % FREE —> 5 Day Jump Start
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