Planning and Organization

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I have been getting a LOT of questions recently on how I stay organized and on task. Well my dears its super simple, I schedule my day and my to-do lists so that I know what needs done.

Each month I sit down and I organize my planner. I add cleaning days, meal prep days, laundry days, any outside appointments, my other half’s work schedule, and mommy & me group days. Once my family life is 100% scheduled I go back through and I add in my work schedule. Based on the best days for social media usage I schedule days to share my products. I schedule days to make live videos. I schedule days to share tips and tricks on how to successfully run a business. I schedule 1:1 with clients I’m working with. I schedule specific days to build programs, free items, or page creations.  

I like to know whats coming up, what projects I need to work on, what appointments I have, all because I like to know what days I can just claim as a DAY OFF to spend with my kiddo doing whatever we choose to do that day!  

My WHY for owning my own business has always been to be able to spend as much time with my kiddo while earning a living as I can. My drive for my business comes from looking at my kiddos precious face and knowing that he is watching my every move. I ALWAYS want him to know that he can do anything he puts his mind too with a little hard work and dedication.  

Alright, back to planning ;-) now that you know my super dooper secret to my organization lol lets talk about how you can get organized too!

A planner is a NECESSITY for success. You MUST be able to see into the somewhat distant future to know what you have coming up. Flying by the seat of your pants simply doesn't work now that we are big kids, TRUST ME… IVE TRIED ;-) 

My current planner obsession is my Erin Condrens Life Planner. You can get super cute covers for them - I filled mine with pictures of my little goose <3  

I also LOVE all the features it comes with. There is a dry erase page (I leave myself year round notes on the front dry erase page and notes on the back page). There are pockets to keep your important items (like my kiddos hospital foot print and my stickers for organization purposes. Each life planner comes with appointment & blank sticker to be used for your important things. I also LOVE that at the beginning of each month there is a fun and inspirational quote. 

I have had a number of bound planners through the years but nothing kept me as organized as this planner has the past 3 years! 

Now lets chat about non bound organization. While I have a hard copy of all my to-do’s, upcoming projects, set in stone appointments, etc. I have a planner that I print out where I can write out my 90 day goals, projected goals, new ideas, and there are sheets for daily to-do’s where I can write in things as they come up and cross off what I've completed. Snag your Free —> 90 Day Success Planner.

Guys, organization and success don't have to be hard. They go hand in hand with the proper focus and tools. Find yourself YOUR perfect organization system and see how much simply your life can be. I literally have soooooo much more free time when I write things down and schedule them. That way i’m not waking up and spending the entire day trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing only to have to spend the rest of the day re-scheduling things I missed lol.

KISS - Keep It Simple Silly! Check out the Erin Condren planners (she has a TON). They aren't free but they are great. If you're looking for a FREE place to start your journey on the organization train check out the FREE 90 Success Planner. What have you got to lose? It’s FREE!

I hope this answers a couple of your questions my dears ;-) Until Next Time



P.S. If you’re looking for more tips and trips on how to get organized come join our community —> The Female Business Builder 

Some Of My Favorites!

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My Million dollar group started and it’s off to a BANG! Im so excited for these ladies and gents. Not only have they dedicated to themselves to get healthy over the next 30 days but they are going win a piece of the 2 million dollar prize pot :-O

Part of the group is focusing on nutrition. Learning to eat better and in proper portions to achieve goals. While the discussion of meal prepping came up so did the question of what kind of meal prep containers to use. I have to say I have 2 FAVORITES and I figured I should totally share them with you all and not just in the super secret group ;-)

vvv  First I love the 3 compartment containers vvv

I have a bunch of these in my cabinets and I know you’ve seen them on my Facebook posts :-) (Click the picture to check them out for yourself)

vvv Second, these are awesome vvv

I use to have a bunch of these.  These were perfect when I was working down in the city because they came with silverware.  They somehow gotten lost in multiple moves but still among my favorites list.  

Meal prepping saves so much time during the week and it assures that you stay on track with your nutrition. I know that it takes a few hours one day but think about how much time it will save you the rest of the week. SO much time can be saved making and pack lunches and in the evenings, after a long day at work how much easier it is to just grab something already prepared from the fridge and go! Something to think about if you havent already chosen to meal prep ;-)

Another thing that we've talked about in our group are coffee sweeteners. Store bought creamers are full of preservatives and artificial sweeteners so of course XXXXX they are OUT! a couple weeks ago I shared a homemade creamer recipe (Click >> Coffee Creamer << to check it out)

But one of my other favorites is  vvv  Sweet Leaf Drops vvv

Well now you are in the inner circle ;-) Knowledge should be shared so I wanted to pass along my personal favorite things with links so you can check them out and maybe snag some for yourself!  

Until next time 


P.S. Don’t forget to find me on FB so we can be friends —>

P.P.S. If you missed the chance to get in on the million dollar group but you're ready to get started I have something super dooper FREE for you.  Free meal plans, FREE workouts, FREE support, and a chance to start seeing a healthier and happier you -->


You’ve GOT to be kidding me!!!

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That’s literally what my current customers have said to me when I told them what I'm about to tell you.

Let me start off by saying that the New Year is right around the corner, like 2 days away :-O, and I get it- it's hard to imagine that it's almost 2018 and the holidays have just finished, CRAZY I know! BUT you know that on December 26th you said “WOW, I can’t believe I ate all that food” and “Im so ready to start losing this Holiday Weight”. THATS WHERE I COME IN :)

I want to help you with not only your health and fitness goals, but I want you to WIN FREE MONEY in the process! YUP, you heard me correctly, FREE MONEY! I am hosting an AWESOME New Year NEW YOU challenge group starting in January 5th and I would love for you to be a part of it.

The group will be 28 days long, we will focus on fitness, clean eating, tracking our progress, and daily encouragement to help keep you motivated! At the end of those 28 days Beachbody will be checking off their list (just like St. Nick did) and ALL who participated in the group will get FREE money JUST for working out and drinking their shakeology.

Disclaimer: You DO have to purchase something in order to get into the group so I wanted to get that out of the way right away. As the group is based on your nutrition and workouts you will need to have workouts and be drinking and logging your shakeology ;-) BUUUUUTTTTT there are HUGE Holiday sales right now. Challenge packs are MAJORLY discounted. You can literally save (at minimum) $50 on a challenge pack


1. This is another Health Bet Challenge so we will be using the Challenge Tracker App.

2. The Money Pot for this is $2-3 MILLION dollars :O (saayyyy whhhaaattt?). All you have to do is track 3 workouts per week and take a pic of you drinking your shake 5 days per week in the challenge tracker app and BOOM you will qualify for a piece of the pot.

So what do you think??? Are you as CRAZY excited about this group as I am?? Are you in??? >>> CLICK HERE  <<< and you will see ALL the challenge packs on the LEFT hand side :)

If you are unsure what pack to choose just email me at and let me know your goals so I can help you!

One of my main goals for 2017 is to help as many people as I possible can GET RESULTS either with their health and fitness or in their business!

I hope I can help you <3 If you are READY to reach those New Years Resolutions and GET PAID click -> JOIN THE FUN  so that I can send you an invite to the all exclusive group!



P.S. Do NOT miss out on your chance to win FREE money just for getting healthy like you keep saying you want to do!!

P.P.S. If you're not ready to commit just yet but you want to start somewhere I have JUST the place for you and get this… its 100 % FREE —> 5 Day Jump Start
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