My Four Trimester Hiatus

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I took a hiatus 😱 well I actually was growing a tiny human inside of me. Anytime I ever imagined being pregnant I saw myself fixing all sorts of healthy meals, getting workouts in each day, being all around healthy for the tiny human I would grow. Soooooooo that didn't happen AT ALL πŸ˜’

Let me start by saying last year was crazy! I got divorced, had a roommate, lots a roommate, lost weight, toned up, made some amazing friends, met an amazing guy, got pregnant, moved in with said guy, put together a nursery, prepped for baby... The list goes on. It was cRaZyπŸ™ƒ

When I found out I was pregnant I was READY to continue with my healthy life style. I was working out everyday with my Beachbody program, later in the day I'd go for a run or a swim, I was following my 21 day fix meal plan, I was rocking it!!

My first trimester was AWESOME. I'd heard horror stories of morning sickness, lethargic days, losing motivation, etc. I didn't have any of that for the first 2.5 months. I worked out, I was still following my meal plan, I had a to of energy, it was awesome. I thought "man this is a cake walk". Booooooyyyyyy was I in for a shock 😫

At the very end of my first trimester I got strep throat and it was down hill from there. When I got over strep I tried so hard to get back to my workouts but I was just so exhausted. I tried eating my meals like normal but NOTHING I enjoyed stayed down. I was confused and mad that I had this plan and it was happening.

πŸ”…Side note: I'm a planner. I write out things, I set dates, I gather necessary tools, and I dive head first into whatever I've set my mind to.

My second trimester was full of fried foods and naps. I cried a lot when I had to eat because I knew all I'd be able to keep down was fried foods 😭. I desperately tried to eat salads, veggies, grilled meats, fruits... My little man had different plans for me. He also didn't like when I exercised above a leisurely stroll with the doggies.

My third trimester was called my hibernation time period. I have up trying to eat the foods I enjoyed, mostly because I enjoyed NOT throwing up more. I let my guy walk the doggies. I pretty much slept all the time because that's all my little guy wanted me to do. I ended up on bed rest my very last month of my pregnancy which just drove me bonkers.

I had a healthy baby boy on January 31, 2016. 7lbs 10 ounces 19 inches long. I did my best, even with eating fried food, to eat in moderation. You only need an extra 300 calories while hosting a tiny human in your body. I successfully only gained 32lbs during my pregnancy even with my sad eating and lack of exercising.

I was released at 7 weeks post csection for working out and I was THRILLED! I started hammer and chisel and I am in LOVE with the program. The day I got out of the hospital I had grilled steak, grilled zucchini, a HUGE salad and enjoyed EVERY bite 😏.

9 months of hosting a tiny human in your body can be a cake walk or it can cause you to turn into a hibernating bear. I'm back into the swing of things now and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon!

My next group starts May 2nd and I'd LOVE to have you join in on the fun with me and some AMAZING women. Want more info? Shoot me an email @ or send me a Facebook message @ 

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