"Im Still Here" - Channeling My Inner Elaine Stritch

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I've had a ROUGH year in my business!

As many of you know I had quit Beachbody for a period of time. Not because I wasn't IN LOVE with it, but my divorce was hard, my old coach and I didn’t align, I wasn’t in a good place, I didn’t feel I could do anyone any good by trying to be involved in their lives, and a whole lot of self doubt. BUT the day I could re-sign up, after a wait period, I did!

NOW…. The date I was allowed to resign just so happened to be 3 weeks before Williams due date :O Poor planning most of you would say right? Well I saw it as a challenge. I told myself that once William was here I was going to take the 2 months that I was on exercise restriction and focus on my baby and on building relationships. That’s exactly what I did. The day I was released for exercise I had a group of women ready to work off their baby weight right along side me. But inevitable after a great first month back we got word that Doug was possibly being transferred for work and that we should start looking for new places to live.

OK, I hit the pause button again on work. Ugh was what kept going through my head. I had committed to these women, I had committed to trainings for my new coaches, I had committed to myself. But I let life step in front of me again and house hunting we went. Don’t get me wrong, I worked “here” and “there” BUT it wasn't consistent. I wasn’t SHOWING UP every day.

Fast forward one month and the word is for CERTAIN, we ARE moving :-O ok, ok, no it wasn't a shock, we knew it was coming. But what that meant for us was that Doug was going to start training- working a million hours a week- and William and I were going to be home alone -for a million hours a week- yet I needed to get the house packed while with infant. Just a small task right? Sheesh was it an undertaking. BUT we accomplished it. By the grace of god and help from a few good friends here and there I got the house packed and loaded onto a moving truck while managing to keep an infant happy and healthy. WIN WIN!

Fast Forward one more month- yup the year is really flying by as I type huh- well we are all moved in, I got us totally unpacked, and my business was back up and running. Hallelujah! I was ready, I was hurting for some structure, I was craving the familiar, so back to my team I went.

The end of July and all of August were AWESOME. I loved just diving into my work. Nap times were gold for my schedule. I got to connect with some beautiful women who are driven and have passion and who CRAVE the need for change in their bodies, wallets, and hearts. <— This is my jam. I THRIVE on being able to help and teach. I love being able to show women that they can be anything in life so long as they believe in themselves. I love being able to teach mommies how they can stay at home with their kids AND run a successful business (if you're reading this you may think- “really, how successful is she if she can’t even consistently work”- don’t worry well get to that cupcake ;-) )

So July and August- little peaces of heaven in my book. BUT…… and here comes a BIG but…. September happened :-( My thesis snuck up on me. YES I did do prepping for it, I did quite a lot of research on my topic of choice, I jotted down a ton of notes… but as far as “actually” writing, well lets just say NADA didn’t even cover it. So I did what i’d gotten pretty good at this year. I hit the pause button and went underground. My anthem for the entire month was Green Days “Wake me up, when September ends”. Seriously, i’ve never wanted a month to be over so badly in my life. You guessed it tho, I dropped the ball on my team again. I was a TERRIBLE coach to them. My coaches i’m sure still have no idea if I died or joined a cult. I only ran one group in the whole month and for the first time I did NOT give that group my 100%. I showed up in it every day, but my heart was not in it.

When I finally clicked submit on my thesis I literally unplugged for 3 days. I hated my computer, notebooks gave me a headache, the thought of working was nauseating. I just needed some time to enjoy my family, recharge my battery, and clean my disgustingly dirty and neglected house (this ones still a work in progress). But I took my time. This past Friday I sat down and had a serious little chat with my success partner on my “lack of consistency”. What I realized was, I was being RIDICULOUSLY hard on myself.

I ROCKED this year! YES, I had a rough year in my business but DAMN I rocked the year overall. Guys, I had a BABY! I had to learn to be a first time mom- this kid didn't come with an instruction book for my overly detail oriented brain to use. I figured out how to workout and not make my incision site hurt continually. I found out that its SOO much harder to lose the baby weight then it was to just lose weight before baby. I packed up my life and moved it to a new town, WITH A BABY. I unpacked my life and started playing house. I ran some SUPER successful groups and trainings this month and I could not be more proud of my team for putting up with it all. I FINISHED my second (and LAST) masters degree.

GUYS, it has been a busy and rough year but I was so focused on what I wasn’t getting accomplished I missed all the things I WAS getting accomplished. Doug and I had to have a grown up chat about how the year is settling down and now it’s time to focus on our lives and our businesses. He’s got grand business goals and so do I. We had to talk about him being more involved with William when he’s home so that I can actually work. We talked about how I might have to LEAVE the house to get work done because all I wanna do is pick up the cutest ball of love and squeeze him while I'm here. We talked about how I literally can not work and cook and clean and raise the baby the way he deserves all at the same time. I can either work and raise the baby, or I can cook/clean and raise the baby. But I’m not wonder woman, I can’t do it all ALL the time. Kudos to you mommas who’ve got it all together all the time, that girl isn’t me! We talked about money, we talked about what we wanted in the next 5 years, we talked about a lot. <— Sometimes, no matter how much you don't wanna, you NEED to have grown up talks lol. I’m taking today to outline the rest of this year, the trainings ill be offering, the FREE groups i’ll be running, and the success that will be made.

Sometimes you just have to take a step back and realize, under all the stress and hustle that you are living through, you are accomplishing sooooooo much more than you realize. You need to give yourself credit from time to time to keep your head out of dark and scary places. I am fully committing to my goals for the next year. We don't have a single BIG ticket item to derail us in site. NOTHING is going to keep me from making 6 figures in the next year <— yup, you heard me, 6 figures. It’s out there now, the universe is now fully aware of my plan. Am I scared? I’m scared shitless! Will it stop me? NO WAY!

As i’m sitting here this morning, having voluntarily gotten out of bed at 5:15am, i’m sipping on my coffee at my dinning room table in my jammies I finally feel a sense of calm. I fee that I can let go of the self doubt i’ve been allowing myself to feel the whole year. I can let go of the guilt I’ve carried around over not being able to be as consistent as I'm use to. I can surrender to the future knowing that I CAN change our lives and there is no time like the present. I know in my heart that there are mommies out there reading this who are saying “damn that’s my life right now, ugg” I want to talk to you, I KNOW what you're going through. Even if you just want an ear for a quick vent session- I'm totally here girl! Mom life is rough, we gotta stick together.
As my shirt says “Don’t stop believing” because you CAN achieve your dreams, even if you get derailed and re-routed hundred thousand times on your way there. No ones success story has a beautifully paved road where they decided “i’m going to be successful and here is what it’ll take” and then BAM they were successful and it was easy. NO, they decided “i’m going to be successful” and proceeded to fall flat on their face at the first curb. Guy’s dreams are hard to achieve, but they aren’t impossible. You CAN achieve your goals, but the road to your success is going to be rocky, you're going to scrap your knee, you’re going to want to lock yourself in a closet and cry at some point during your journey, but in the end you are going to live like no one else does because you worked like no one else did.

So YES, I’ve had a rough year in business, but it doesn't mean I'm defeated. No one put it better than Elaine Stritch “I’m Still Here”. Come stand next to me and we can reach those goals together!



My next group starts October 17th and I'd LOVE to have you join in on the fun with me and some AMAZING women. Want more info? Shoot me an email @ Lauren.N.Young04@gmail.com or send me a Facebook  message @ https://www.facebook.com/LaurenEvansBBC <-- Let's be friends!

If you have questions on how to get started I’d LOVE to hear from you! Click >> COACH << and register to get me as your FREE coach!
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