Coach Daily To-Do CheckList

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  • Read or Listen to at least 10 minutes of Personal Development   
    • I listened to 10 minutes and/or read 10 pgs of personal development today _____________
  • Answer all business related emails from customers and coaches including checking in on my Facebook Challenge Groups (focus on THEIR goals and not my own)
  • Do follow ups on the phone, facebook messaging, or email (working from a list- I recommend creating a list in your Google Drive, Asana, or Evernote)  
    • I followed up with 2 people today (FORM or Beachbody) List names  _______________________ & _________________________
  • Invite at least 2 people each day (Invite to fit club, a challenge group, Fitness Support group, etc...) 
    • I made 2 new contacts today Please list names ______________ & ________________   I SPOKE to ________ people this week about Beachbody. Please list names
  • Be a Product of the Product Be Proof the Products Work: 
    • Workout (Y/N) _________ Shakeology (Y/N) _________
  • Check the coach online office for Breaking News, new customer leads (send them a welcome email), learn a little more about what is in there. Coach Training Academy>Resources has GREAT info! 
  • Listen to Team calls or National calls from the archive in the Online Office and attend any local events (home parties, fit clubs, trainings)
  • Check into the Team Page on Facebook (welcome new coaches, read the posts to learn answers to peoples questions, to ENGAGE with the team daily showing them that I am there daily as their leader.)    
    • I checked my team members pages & the team group and made meaningful comments (Y/N) ________
  • Call or text one person randomly to encourage them whether they are a coach, a customer, or just a friend.  
    • I reached out _____________today. What did you do? (Email, Ecard, Facebook...etc) 
  • Post inspirational or engaging things on my Social Media                           
    • Post 3-5 times per day.  
    • Pick 5 topics that you are passionate about & that showcase your personality! Posts should also be engaging & encourage people to comment or give their input (Ask a question!)  
    • Only about 20% of your posts should be about business. You want people to know you and different aspects of you.  
    • I made ____ # of posts on social media today ✔ 1) ___ 2) ___ 3) ___ 4)____ 5) _____
    • I posted a video or blog post this week (blog, youtube, instagram video)_______________ 
    • ***Use the BAT (Business Activity Tracker) or this checklist to make sure you are CONSISTENTLY doing the behaviors that will positively impact your business the most.
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