Introverts Run The World

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     Idunno how many of you know me or have been following me for awhile but lemme start by saying I LOVE STAYING IN MY HOUSE! No really! Don’t get me wrong I am a Sea World aholic… like for real, if they said “Hey wanna come bring your family and live here” i’d be like “UMMM HECK YEA!!!”. But honestly I don’t know how long that would last for me because there are ALWAYS sooooo many people at the park. I love going to visit, I thoroughly enjoyed every visit as a kid and I LOVED taking my son there for the first and second time. But after each visit i’m literally “out of commission” for a day or two. I stay in my house, I stay in my jammies, I will avoid text messages-my inbox-messenger-social media sites if possible. Now those last items tend to be harder for me because, as many of you know, I run my business solely online. But after being around so many people I just need a day or two to recover.

     I know I know, “Lauren get to it already!” My point is, I run a business online, I spend everyday and as much of my day as I possibly can talking to people and getting to know them and where their journeys are taking them. But at the end of the day I am an introvert at heart and I'm super shy. My job takes me out of my comfort zone daily and pushes me to do, what I use to think was, the impossible. Every day I talk to women who say “I could NEVER do what you do because i’m just so shy”. Let me tell you, in all honesty there are days where I dread logging onto my lap top because I know that I am going to start reaching out to new people and that TERRIFIES me. While I always end up enjoy the conversations I have I’m ALWAYS terrified that I'm gunna come off as a weirdo, a stalker, nosey, pushy, creepy, weird (yes I said that twice). Guys I have fears every day, same as you. But I have BIG goals and those goals keep pushing me daily. I want so badly to share this AMAZING experience with you too. Coaching has truly changed my life and I know that it can change yours too! But at the end of the day I know that it can be intimidating to MANY!

     Personally, have you ever looked around at the top earners or the most successful people in our society and thought “WOW, I wish I had their life, they are so outgoing and successful, they are so smart” but you instantly assume YOU can’t do what they do because you’re shy, you're a homebody, you are the classic definition of an introvert. Well heres a little tid bit about those top earners, MANY of them are introverts! Don’t believe me? Well here are a few people I KNOW you’ll recognize and they are in fact introverts to their core.

Bill Gates 

Albert Einstein 

Emma Watson 

Mahatma Gandhi

Audrey Hepburn

Warren Buffett

Steve Jobs

Steven Spielberg

     These AMAZING people listed above are introverts, but don’t take my word for it, I always encourage you to go and check the facts for yourself! “When in doubt google it out” They would rather stay home, alone, with a good book, away from people. BUT the thing is, they all had a vision to make a difference and they DID! Sure they may need to recharge their introvert meter now and again, I know I do, but they keep pushing forward- towards their goals. I have found this amazing group, it’s strictly for the ladies (sorry gents), to help me handle being an introvert in a people based career. It’s called “The Female Introvert Lifestyle Mastermind” and every day there are helpful tips and tricks to keep your inner introvert grounded and focused. If you have ever doubted your ability this might just be the place for you!  Check it out >> The Female Introvert Lifestyle Mastermind <<

     As ALWAYS- I'd LOVE to help YOU create the life you know you deserve! If you want more info? Shoot me an email @ or send me a Facebook message @

     If you have questions on how to get started I’d love to hear from you! Click >> COACH << and register to get me as your FREE coach!

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