You Don't Have To Dread Monday!

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     As i'm sitting on my sofa, drinking my gingerade kombucha, watching Jurassic Park with my family I am literally living in the moment. Tomorrow is Monday but i’m not dreading it. Tomorrow morning we are all getting up and driving to the town we use to live in for a day of sitting by the water and drinking fruufrruuu cocktails :-)

     By the time you read this it will inevitably be Monday. You will be sitting at your office desk, sitting in traffick, getting the kids ready for the bus so you can head into work, and stressing about how insane your day is going to be on top of the fact that you have to be at work all day. My prep for tomorrow was fill the diaper bag again, plug in my tablet and my phone so that they could charge, and grab my lap top to do a little typing.

     I use to dread Monday’s when I was working at my corporate America job! I mean I literally could NOT wait for it to be Friday so that I could leave my desk and send time with my family. I’d be FREE for the weekend.. WHAAAHOOO! But inevitably Sunday morning would come and I’d start to feel anxious. I’d start whining about how much I didn’t want to go to work on Monday. I was letting the onset of Monday ruin my entire Sunday without even meaning to. But it’s what I was taught to do. Growing up we went to school, so we could get into college, so that we could graduate and get that job that we’d stay in until we retired. That was the only way to provide for your family. Drive to a job, do what you were told, and get a pay check that someone else dictated every two weeks. If you didn’t like your job… O’well, suck it up because you have bills to pay. YES bills are extremely important and YES you should make a living for your family but your work CAN and SHOULD be something that you enjoy, something that makes you feel alive, something that you wake up and you're excited to do!

     I’m here to tell you that there really is such a thing as a career that can meet those qualifications. You CAN have a job that you want to get to on Monday morning. There IS a career that will make you feel alive. I realize that Entrepreneurship doesn't work for everyone and there are lots of people out there that want a job where they show up and collect their paycheck. BUT, if you're reading this and you’re thinking THERE HAS TO BE MORE… I NEED YOU! There IS more out there!

     You should be LIVING your life not dreading a day of it. You don’t have to be chained to your life. Your destiny may not be Beachbody coaching, it might be another business, but you should be inspired and go full speed ahead without hesitation! One day at a time I want you to start working towards your passion so that you can eventually feel the maximum happiness capacity in life, so that you can feel freedom in your schedule, so that you can wake up rejuvenated and honestly say that you love your life!

    If you are interested in what I do and you are a take charge kind of woman then I want you on my team!!!!

Here are your options:

1. Complete the application here to be considered for a spot on my team: Application For Prestige Dynasty. Because my next new coach training actually begins September 5th and I will teach you everything you need to know about starting a business from scratch like I did!

2. If you have never done a Beachbody Fitness Program before and you would like to start with your own personal journey then join my Fall Accountability Group! Click Here to get more information

ALWAYS remember that you are the ONLY person who can determine your own success. Set Goals, Dream Big, and NEVER give up on what you want most in life!
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